

It’s been a long time since I posted anything. I created this sketch/app to make an appealing backdrop for my facebook page to limited success. I think it looks cool in it’s own right, however.

This is one of the first times I’m making the source code of my work available to others. I have hidden my code for too long; it’s time to share. The code and project is posted on

To me the most interesting thing about this project are the coded sine waves. Running this at full screen bogs my system down a little and I deduced (rightly or wrongly) that the source of this slowness was in part due to the repeated/nested calls to processing‘s sine wave function. In an effort to speed it up, at the beginning of the program I save a few hundred evaluations of the sine function at evenly space intervals and then, when I need to use the evaluations I just look them up out of an array which is quite fast.

There is, of course, a trade off on memory usage and accuracy which should not be forgotten, but this is lowercase ‘a’ art so I’m not worried about the exact 15th decimal place or too much quantization of the sinusoidal function.